外展(Outward Bound)起源于1941年的英国,由德国革新主义教育家 Kurt Hahn于威尔士成立第一所外展学校,突破性的教育哲学和课程体系,经过80余年的累积与发展,外展学校遍布全球33个国家和地区,其可谓是最享负盛名及历史悠久的户外教育机构之一。
Outward Bound originated in the UK in 1941, founded by German educational innovator Kurt Hahn, who established the first Outward Bound school in Wales. With its groundbreaking educational philosophy and curriculum system, Outward Bound has grown and evolved over more than 80 years, spreading to 34 countries and regions worldwide. It is one of the most prestigious and long-standing outdoor education organizations. 

In 2019, with the founding of Mr. Chen Yidan and the strong support of the Chen Yidan Foundation and the Yidan University Education Foundation, the globally renowned outdoor experiential education brand, Outward Bound, was officially introduced to mainland China. It was established as a non-profit organization in Wuhan, Hubei.

We are dedicated to promoting the holistic development of Chinese youth. Participants face challenges in unfamiliar environments, discover and develop their potential, and achieve self-improvement, while also learning to care for others and society. The programs typically last one week, guiding participants into nature where they engage in adventurous activities such as hiking, camping, wilderness orienteering, and rock climbing. By overcoming and reflecting on the challenges within the course, participants gain a deeper understanding of themselves, care for those around them, stay attuned to the changes in nature, and, in quiet reflective spaces, contemplate how to address the needs of society.

我们在中国内地发展起步的重要合作伙伴之一——武汉学院,不仅在2019年6月与香港外展训练学校(Outward Bound Hong Kong)达成战略合作,以外展教育的理念赋能高校生的同时,也为外展在中国内地的发展输送人才,外展在中国内地的首批课程参加者与户外导师,均为武汉学院的在校生与毕业生。2020年开始,随着华中外展在中国内地的不断探索,我们为高校生和中学生提供特别定制的户外训练课程。
One of our key partners in mainland China is Wuhan College, which in June 2019 entered into a strategic partnership with Outward Bound Hong Kong. This collaboration not only empowers college students with the philosophy of Outward Bound education but also trains talent for the development of Outward Bound in mainland China. The first group of participants and outdoor instructors for the inaugural Outward Bound courses in China were students and alumni of Wuhan College. Starting in 2020, with the continued exploration of Outward Bound in central China, we began offering specially tailored outdoor training programs for both university and secondary school students.

Our exploration in mainland China began in Shennongjia, impacting not only youth from Hubei province but also participants from cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Chongqing, who have greatly benefited from our programs. To extend the reach of Outward Bound and allow more young people to benefit from its courses, our team has traveled to cities such as Shenzhen and Ningbo from 2019 to 2024, designing location-specific programs.

2024年,湖北外展获得外展国际(Outward Bound International)的完全认证(Full License),并更名为华中外展(Outward Bound Central China)。这一认证标志着华中外展自2019年进入中国内地以来的又一重要里程碑,也见证了其在推广户外体验式教育方面的不断努力与成果。我们将在中国内地进一步拓展其课程影响力,让更多的年轻人有机会通过外展课程探索自我,发现潜力。我们将继续深化与本土教育机构的合作,为不同地区的青年人设计更多定制化的户外训练课程。
In 2024, Outward Bound Hubei received full certification from Outward Bound International, and it was renamed Outward Bound Central China. This full license marks another significant milestone for Outward Bound in mainland China since its inception in 2019 and reflects our continuous efforts and achievements in promoting experiential outdoor education. We will continue to expand our course offerings in mainland China, allowing more young people the opportunity to explore themselves and discover their potential through Outward Bound courses. We will also deepen our collaboration with local educational institutions, designing more customized outdoor training programs for youth in different regions.